Akron, Ohio - May 21, 1917
Akron, Ohio
Dear Friend: I am well and hop you are well. I am getting along fine I have not been sick since I left home I have not lost but 2j day I work like a man. I am making good. I never liked a place like I do here except home. Their is no place like home How is the church getting along. You cant hardly get a house to live in I am wide awake on my financial plans. I have rent me a place for boarders I have 15 sleprs I began one week ago and be shure to send me my letter of dismission By Return mail. I am going into some kind of business here by the first of Sept. Are you farming. Rasion is mighty high up here. the people are coming from the south every week the colored people are making good they are the best workers. I have made a great many white friends. The Baptist Church is over crowded with Baptist from Ala & Ga. 10 and 12 join every sunday. He is planning to build a fine brick church. He takes up 50 and 60 dollars each sunday he is a wel to do preacher. I am going to send you a check for my salary in a few weeks. It cose me $100 to buy furniture. Write me.
Library of Congress, Manuscripts Archives, National Urban League Collection, Box I.F86, Migrant Letters