Your #Panel61 by Liza Dancy
Submitted byLiza
My project was displaying how the Great Migration had a lasting impact on Americans today. It shows how African Americans still carry the history and cultural effects of their ancestors. I represented this through the facial expressions and cultural accessories of the woman. I also decided to use words that represented the migration, revolution, black love and empowerment within the artwork to show how these ideals and people (such as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.) still have an impact on the black community today. I wanted to show beauty through the struggle. Although some of the words represent struggle times and themes, the words mold into the main focus, the African American woman. I used gold to show how once we were depicted in chains now African Americans are in a positive to achieve golden opportunities. Although we still face struggles, trials and tribulations, our ancestors and past experiences have molded us to be able to persevere and rise above. This is why her head is held high with pride and dignity - because although we were once tried and stripped of everything, no one can ever take your dignity unless you allow them.